Tag Archives: Dr. Dan Fisher Oak Brook

State Family Courts Are Forcibly Depriving Children’s Access To A Parent Because It Is A Source Of Federal Revenue

The state is the welfare recipient. The funding means evidence of abuse is ignored.

“In simplest terms: State family courts are forcibly depriving children’s access to a parent because it is a source of revenue for the states – and because they can.”




Dr. Daniel Fisher’s Misconduct, With Michael Volpe

“When a court ordered professional begins working for one side, as Dr. Fisher clearly was in this case, it is the worst of both worlds. You have a hired gun with the veneer of independence. It is something I have seen and documented repeatedly. Dr. Stanton Samenow, not only in Chris Mackney’s case, would come in as a so-called independent arbiter but end up communicating, and often being paid, exclusively with one side. He would pretend as though his so-called expert opinion was objective while being bought and paid for and that’s what it appears happened in this case as well.

Not only with Dr. Fisher, but Natalie Koga and others in this case. The veneer of independence is one of many reasons why I believe all court ordered professionals should be outlawed immediately. They are not merely a waste of hundreds of thousands of dollars but counter-productive and often actively work to create conflict in cases in order to justify their continued involvement.”Michael Volpe, Author of Bullied To Death: Chris Mackney’s Kafkaesque Divorce

Dr. Fisher was reprimanded by the State of Illinois for Dual Role Misconduct in a prior case.  “The foregoing acts and/or omissions are violations of the “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct”  Fisher_Redacted

The APA Ethics Code Standard 3.05 states that “psychologists should refrain from entering into multiple relationships…or otherwise risks exploitation or harm to the person with whom the professional relationship exists.”  But exploitation and harm is the strategy for these court shrinks for hire.

 It is considered unethical to switch back and forth between an evaluative and psychotherapeutic role,” David Stein, Ph.D., chair of the Forensic Psychology Committee of the California Psychological Association.

Dual Relationships, Multiple Relationships & Boundary Decisions, Kenneth S. Pope, PhD, AB

UPDATE: Child Rep Natalie Koga, Judge Alfred Levinson & lawyer Elliott Heidelberger all abruptly gave up their lucrative lawyer & judge posts in Chicago to avoid investigation. Meg Jackson, opposing counsel who Koga was caught conspiring with, changed her name to “Mary Elizabeth” & moved her law practice to Lake County, Illinois.  Koga found a County Social Worker/Guardian job in Arizona.  Though she’s no longer licensed, Koga still lists herself as an attorney in Chicago.  Meanwhile, Cook County Chicago’s “Sex For Custody” lawyer David Pisulka, who controlled the lucrative secret list of Guardian ad Litems & Child Reps, has finally been arrested and stripped of his law license, after years of the IL ARDC ignoring grievances filed.

tumblr_mu9qdnUdpk1rw872io4_500We survivors of Therapist Abuse by these court shrinks paid for by the highest bidder, know full well the trauma when these so-called “professionals” – the lawyers, court doctors, court therapists and hired gun evaluators –  trap and re-traumatize us in their lucrative litigation therapy racket.

Forcing a trauma victim to sit in their office re-living traumatic memories against their will,  while they bill by the hour, scribbling their notes, writing false reports for corrupt Child Reps, Guardian Ad Litems, and guns for hire custody evaluators.  Because you are court-ordered to do it.  How convenient for them to have such an endless supply of guaranteed paying clients. The truth of the matter is, they need you trapped, or they won’t have a job.

BribesFCDr. Daniel Fisher, who wrote Natalie Koga’s made to order false reports, repeated his mantra, in his saccharin-sweet, pretending to care “therapist” voice:  “How’s your “therapy” going?”  Probing for anything to pounce on, all the while, working for the other side. 

LiesNeverFeelsBadAnd who could ever forget Dr. Fisher’s Academy Award-worthy performance for a packed court-room, while finishing the day’s pack of lies, after exiting the witness stand, he actually stood at attention in the middle of the courtroom, facing my ex-husband, raising his hand in a MILITARY SALUTE. 

He should have bowed and curtsied too!   This, my friends, is one of the many ways the players in the litigation therapy racket show their true colors, and why Cook County Chicago will not allow videotaped transcripts.

As the the hired gun crazy-makers, these therapists don’t encourage you to speak your own truth with confidence or put an accurate name to what the perpetrator did to you.   An empowered victim is the LAST thing they want.

Featured Image -- 4919They don’t want you to walk on the beach, go to the woods, garden, go barefoot savoring the cool grass between your toes, further your education or career, rest, laugh, make art, or just take a healthy break from abusive talk therapy used to spin against you in their reports paid for by the other side –  or anything else that challenges their power and control over their cash cows. 

They are not encouragers.  They’re not there for you to feel better.

quicksand1You see, just like Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, they aren’t in it to empower people to connect with their own inner strength or heal from the trauma of abuse.

Their  JOB is to Gaslight you.  To minimize, and deny the abuse you suffered.  To blame, and pathologize the victim. To put you off balance.

They are there to manufacture a “crazy label” for the victim in their Kids for Cash scam.  Hiding abuse, and keeping it going is big business.  And if they could, they would keep their cash cows trapped in their litigation therapy racket forever.